Thursday, January 16, 2014

1/13/14's Monday Night Mashout on Pulse Radio

Check out the Monday Night Mashout with DJ O Sharp and yours truly from 1/13.  I talk entertainment news and provide tips for a good club experience, which I've listed below.  You can reach DJ O Sharp on Twitter at @djosharp and me at @socialyte

1. Prepare to pay.  Even if there is a special to get in free, things happen… you don’t want to get caught at the door looking stupid because you don’t have $ to get in.  People get 2nd hand embarrassment from watching people tiptoe away or haggling over a cover charge.  Your friends will also be pissed if they have to leave because you don’t have it.

2. Set your budget.  If you and your people are going out, use the “put with” method and see what yall have collectively.  Which brings us to my next tip.

3. Pregame. Have a drink or 2 before you get to the club so that you have the money for the door and have a few drinks for inside (I ‘m not condoning drunk driving so if you’re driving you might want to take some unopened airplane bottles and drink in the parking lot).  Get some food so it soaks up by the time you have to go home or take a cab. 

4. Go early enough to get in free.  “Ladies free all night” usually means until 11:59.  Midnight is AM.  You’re welcome.  Ask a dude if you can skip the line because he has to pay regardless.

5. Don’t look for handouts – don’t come to the door looking for the owner/promoter thinking you have some kind of imaginary pull.  9/10 the door person doesn’t care.  Also, the owner has nothing to do with the door because the promoter is likely paying EVERYBODY including security.  Have money to at least get in, and get a drink.  Also, if the owner/promoter is your friend:  SUPPORT THEM! 

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